The Survey of Panoramic Radiographic Findings in Edentulous Patients in Isfahan City

  • M - Mehdizade
  • H Seyedmir


Abstract Introductiion. There are a lot of edentulous patients who need complete dentures in any society. One of the most important problems of edentulous patients is remaining dental lesions. Atrophy of maxillary or mandibular bone, infections abcesses, tumors and so on are among some other problems. In this study we tried to evaluate the panoramic radiography in order to detect these problems. Methods. This study was a descriptive research. We studied 192 panoramic radiography from edentulous patients in Isfahan city. We evaluate five criteria in these Radiography: Impacted teeth, root fragments, Migration of Maxillary sinus, displacement of mental foramen to height of Residual ridge and condensing osteitis. Results. From these 192 panoramic radiographics, twelve radiography (6.3 percent) had impacted teeth, 49 radiography (25.5 percent) had root fragment, 122 radiography (63.3 percent) had condensing osteitis, 140 radiography (72.9 percent) had migration of maxillary sinus (Atrophy form maxillary bone) and 96 radiography (50 percent) had displacement of mental foramen residual ridge (atrophy form mandibular bone). Discussion. In this study Impacted teeth, root fragments and maxillary and mandibular bone atrophy in radiography of edentulous patients were observed therefore, it is necessary for dentists to have panoramic radiography for edentulous patients perior to treating their complete denture patients. Key words. Panoramic radiography, Mental foramen, Condensing osteitis, Impacted tooth. Address. Dr. Mojde Mehdizade (Assiastant professor), Department of radiology, School of Dentistry, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Isfahan, IRAN. E-mail: Journal of Isfahan Dental School 2005; 1(2): 63-65.
چاپ شده
استناد به مقاله
Mehdizade M, Seyedmir H. The Survey of Panoramic Radiographic Findings in Edentulous Patients in Isfahan City. مجله دانشکده دندانپزشکی اصفهان [اینترنت]. 21آگوست2006 [ارجاع شده 3جولای2024];1(2):63-5. Available from:

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مجله‌ دانشکده دندان‌پزشکی اصفهان از سال 1383 به زبان فارسی و با هدف انتشار ماحصل زحمات پژوهشی اساتید و دانشجویان دندان‌پزشکی ....


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